Despite the pandemic situation, musical waves continue intriguing the agenda of all the project partners. A series of live streaming concerts and Soundroutes...
WORLD REFUGEE DAY 2020- EVERY ACTION COUNTS World Refugee Day 2020 Soundroutes project: A special radio and web streaming marathon with refugee artists...
Great article by Arthur George about Soundroutes for “All about Jazz” on line magazine. Refugee Music In Europe: Migration, Asylum, Soundroutes, And Arab Jams...
On the 20th of June, on World Refugee day, several refugee integration projects, co-financed by the Creative Europe programme, joined forced to organise...
The European project “SoundRoutes ‘Notes to get closer’, launches the ‘SoundRoutes Booking Agency’, an initiative dedicated to the professional integration of migrant and...
The European project Soundroutes will participate in the Bologna Jazz Festival, one of the project’s partners, with four live concerts: FRIDAY 27 TH...
Soundroutes. Casting call for professional refugee and migrant musicians. “SoundRoutes. Notes to get closer” is a project promoted by Marmaduke, a music...
1.3.2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The European project “Sound routes. Notes to get closer”, an initiative dedicated to the social and professional integration of...
Thursday 02.03.2017 7:00 PM | Club Admission: Free Organiser: WERKSTATT DER KULTUREN Entirely new interpretations of traditional and popular Arab songs! 1st Thursday of...