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The Soundroutes CD

As the project Sound Routes approaches its end, and as part of the activities to promote the artists involved in the project, we are delighted to officially release the Sound Routes CD with music and interviews of the refugees/migrants musicians involved.

This is the list of tracks and artists included in the CD:

  1. Aquamanile – Milad Khawam (Syrian based in Berlin)
  2. Got the BluesFawda (Gnawa Morocco/Italian band based in Bolonia
  3. MitroSoundroutes BE (Mixed band based in Gent)
  4. AnkaraMashrabiya (Syria/Sevilla band based in Seville)
  5. KumbinKalifa Koné and Pasquale Mirra (Mali/Italia based in Bolonia)
  6. African BoyOne Pac and Fellow (Senegal/Sevilla based in Seville)
  7. Just the Way you are – Graham Mitchell (South African based in Seville)
  8. NafasAlaa Arshee and Isaa De Martin (Syria/Italia based in Italy)
  9. My Time – HH34 (Rap collective Sevilla/Bolonia) 

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Here is a short audio introducing the CD and an interview with One Pac, who features in two of the tracks of the CD.

If you would like more information, please contact ivanpivotti@gmail.com.